WMO Arctic Meteorological Summit in Levi

Arctic IoT Connectivity is HERE! Fleetrange and KNLNetworks have been invited to the WMO Arctic Meteorological Summit in Levi to showcase the benefits of hybrid 3G/HF communication technology and IoT.

We will be telling everyone how Finnish maritime high-tech innovators Fleetrange and KNL Networks (https://knl.fi/) are set to revolutionise Arctic maritime situational awareness and have successfully pioneered in providing cost-efficient Arctic data to ships, using a unique combination of IoT, Cloud and 3G/HF hybrid telecommunications technology. The solution includes up-to-date weather-, ice-, ship tracking and sensor data and sustains critical email communications in areas where satellite communications are expensive, unreliable or non-existent.

The World Meteorological Organization will be hosting an Arctic Meteorological Summit in Levi, which brings together its major stakeholders to discuss cooperation in the Arctic. During the conversation on connectivity, experts in health, telecommunications, satellite technology, and other fields will bring their perspectives before the Council members.