Meriaura reports Carbon Footprint with Desk

Environmental aspects, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability are key features for us. We believe a great way to engage is to share information about the environmental impact of every sea voyage.

When planning the schedules of the fleet, minimising fuel consumption is essential. With nauticAi Desk (formerly known as Fleetrange Cargo), Meriaura is able to track the fuel consumption and CO2 emission on a voyage basis and extremely easily share and report the Carbon footprint to their customers.

nauticAi Desk, an IoT based Chartering and Operations tool has been in use at Meriaura since 2017. Desk combines drag and drop Cargo planning with real-time ship tracking and weather and creates an unparalleled operational awareness for the Chartering and Operations desks.

“We are very interested to see how much lower the emission levels are with our new EcoCoasters which consume about half of the fuel compared to traditional vessels of the same size.”, says Elisa Mikkolainen, Managing Director of Meriaura Group.

Read what Meriaura says about us