We are incredibly proud to share that Fleetrange Ltd has once again achieved the highest recognition for financial strength in Finland – AA+/AAA Rating Alfa – for the fourth consecutive year. We are also honored to have been awarded the prestigious “Strongest in Finland” Platinum recognition from Suomen Asiakastieto. This distinguished recognition places us among […]
Category Archives: News
Our SaaS-brand nauticAi is active again on the #eLog arena. This time with Tallink Grupp and their rollout of nauticAi Log. #maritime #technology #elog #electroniclogbook #logbook #recordbook #marpol #boqa #paperless #sustainability #iot
A short story about the ideas and thoughts behind our companies was published in the Finnish technical newspaper Tekniikka ja Talous and on the similar Tivi.fi site. (these articles are behind a paywall)
We are thrilled to announce that Fleetrange Ltd has achieved the highest recognition for financial strength in Finland – a AAA Rating Alfa – for the third consecutive year and has been awarded the coveted “Strongest in Finland” Platinum recognition from Suomen Asiakastieto. This remarkable achievement reflects our unwavering commitment to stability, reliability, and excellence […]
Our SaaS brand nauticAi is featured in the Finnish Maritime Cluster Yearbook 2020-2021. Check out the Post below.
Our SaaS-brand nauticAi is now Inmarsat Certified for the Fleet Data platform. Read the full press release here: https://nauticai.com/2019/11/14/inmarsat/ More info on how to use BOQA on the Fleet Data platform can be seen here: https://nauticai.com/fleetdata/ Inmarsat Fleet Data is growing FAST with more and more application providers joining in. Complete list of certified application […]
The two-day Future-ship seminar “Tulevaisuuden laivat” in Kirkkonummi attracted a very high quality round-up of speakers – us included – and it was absolutely fantastic to hear about the latest developments and status regarding: The increasing environmental IMO-regulation The role of the Class in the digital era The future of both ocean-going and inland Cruise […]
US Coast Guard officers visited our cool Nordic country for a few days of insights into the latest and greatest Finnish maritime expertise. One part of the program was to visit Traficom for a presentation key advancements in autonomous maritime research and development. This time we were on stage together with a bit different setup […]
We had the honor of taking our AI-NAV project over to Oslo 17.9.2019 for the #Innovasjonskonferansen e-nav.no. At this event we were on stage with several of the leading autonomous technology companies in Norway, including Massterly, Kongsberg, Sintef, ITS Norway and Navtor. Hearing the many interesting presentations at this event, it is quite clear that […]
The Finnish delegation with Chief Adviser Capt. Marko Rahikainen from Traficom made a presentation on Developments in technology, automation and autonomous shipping, during the 101st session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee – IMO MSC 101. https://www.lvm.fi/lvm-site62-mahti-portlet/download?did=304804 The presentation highlighted the best Finnish Maritime innovators (such as Wärtsilä, ABB Marine, Meritaito Ltd, Kongsberg Maritime, NAPA […]