The Finnish delegation with Chief Adviser Capt. Marko Rahikainen from Traficom made a presentation on Developments in technology, automation and autonomous shipping, during the 101st session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee – IMO MSC 101. The presentation highlighted the best Finnish Maritime innovators (such as Wärtsilä, ABB Marine, Meritaito Ltd, Kongsberg Maritime, NAPA […]
Category Archives: Projects
Our project has recently gained more publicity and latest addition is an article in the Seatec 2/2019 magazine. Read the full story here:
We presented our ESA-funded Maritime AI-NAV project at the yearly Sea Safety seminar in Helsinki 5.6.2019. You can download our presentation below. The seminar included also other interesting topics, such as:
Our work in the FinEst Smart Mobility project – namely the FinEst API – has been recognized as one of the key New Services and Solutions from Finland. Read more here: The FinEst API has also been featured on these pages:
TECHNIQUES FOR AUTONOMOUS NAVIGATION WILL IMPROVE SAFETY AT SEA Researchers from the Finnish Geospatial Research Institute and Aalto University will team up with Fleetrange Ltd. and Tallink Grupp as part of a research project carried out under a programme of, and funded by, the European Space Agency (ESA). The goal is to develop techniques for […]
We have collected around 6 million data points during 130 days of operation. We have tracked successfully 1536 voyages. We are improving traffic flows between Helsinki West Harbor and Tallinn Old Harbor. FinEst Smart Mobility project gives you programmatic access to the ferry schedules and real-time monitoring of ferry locations and schedule accuracy. The API […]
P&O Ferries selects Fleetrange IoT- technology for Weather Dependent Lashing studies and high accuracy motion measurements. British-based company P&O Ferries has chosen Fleetrange IoT-powered solution to make motion measurement analysis for a selected RoRo ship. The Fleetrange solution automatically records ship location, speed, heading and ~30 motion and acceleration parameters at 1Hz high frequency. This […]
FinEst Smart Mobility API is here (or actually the project already finished in March 2019)! This API offers an automated and real-time ETA/schedule tracking of the ferry traffic between Helsinki West Harbour and the Old Port of Tallinn. The purpose of the API is to make it easier for any kind of smart mobility […]
Fleetrange has been awarded the Finnish Environment Institute SYKE’s public tender for a Citizens Maritime Information Map, which is part of a larger Finnish Marine Portal project. We bring our solid maritime web-platform, mapping/GIS, API, Open Data and mobile development expertise to this project. The Maritime Info map service is aimed at mobile users who move […]